Opening tomorrow evening at StolenSpace is Arth Daniels' latest solo show — an exhibition that is sure to prove really interesting including as it does "a series of brand new paintings and the release of 10 limited edition, engraved Sculptures which invite you to ‘Pick Your Nose’ and create your very own ‘Mugshot’ from a large variety of hand crafted, colourful collectable Facial Features."
Arth Daniels has exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery as part of the prestigious BP Portrait Award and the yet what is on show tomorrow contradicts all expectations you may have from reading that. It's portraiture as I've never quite seen before and I can't wait to clap eyes on it in the flesh.
"Plastic Surgery" by Arth Daniels
16th Nov 2012 – 2nd December 2012
StolenSpace Gallery
Dray Walk, The Old Truman Brewery
91 Brick Lane
London E1 6QL