Today is the last day for you to catch the exhibition put together by Uniform Wares to celebrate the launch of their latest collection as part of London Design Festival 2012. Whilst the show officially opened last weekend it was Wednesday evening that saw the launch party and what a great night it was!
Above is my piece for the show. The basic premise of the show is that each artist picked a specific time for whatever reason as inspiration for their artwork and asked to submit a short blurb about why. Mine being as follows:
Hour —11.03
"As much as I don't like to admit it, deep down I am a man of routines. Location permitting, every Sunday morning I listen to some of my favourite records whilst we're wondering how to spend the day or tidying the flat. More often than not this will include Dylan's "Times They are A-Changin' " — containing as it does one of my all time favourite songs, "Boots of Spanish Leather." A perfect accompaniment to those few hours of a Sunday I really cherish before the plans for"
Other artists involved include Anthony Burril, James Joyce, Craig & Karl and more — all of whose work is for sale. Head down to 81 Leonard St in Shoreditch to day to catch the work and watches on show. Alternatively you can see some photos of the opening on the UW blog by following the link below.